Frequently Asked Questions
about the Great Plain Squares Dance Class
Where is the weekly dance class?
Carter Methodist Church, 800 Highland Avenue, Needham, Massachusetts, which is easily accessible from Rte 95/128.
What is the starting date?
New classes begin in both September and January. The first two classes of each session are FREE for newcomers and go from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
How many classes in each session?
There are 15 lessons and 2 reviews in a Session length of most Wednesdays from September to January. The first two lessons are called Fun Nights and are free to newcomers. We want you to know enough to enjoy the fun of square dancing to music. You can stop after two or even one lesson and have had fun nights out without commitment. If you choose to go on, see the next question
What do I learn in those 17 weeks?
After 17 weeks, you will know enough square dance calls to be able to participate in regular “Mainstream” level dances, with our club and with other clubs. You will have also met a lot of nice people and gotten some great exercise whether you come one or two nights or continue until May. If you continue to May, Wednesdays cost $10 per person starting at Lesson 3 and are from 7-8:30 pm.
Where do I park?
Park in the lot adjacent to the church and enter through the parking lot level door and go downstairs. Follow the square dance signs.
Do I need a partner?
No. While having a partner is nice, it is not required. We often switch partners just for fun and for quicker leaning with an experienced partner. You can stay together if you wish. Remember singles are welcome and you will be found a dance partner.
Do women have to wear those fancy skirts? What about western ties and belts for men?
No and no. For classes, everyone wears comfortable, casual clothes. Shoes with leather soles are preferable for turning, although many people wear sneakers. It’s up to you. After you’ve “graduated” and want to attend regular dances, you may decide to wear something fancier. There is no dress code.
How much does it cost?
The first two classes are free. You can pay $10 per class a la carte for the remaining classes. Or you can pay $110 for a subscription to the remaining 15 Wednesdays after your first free Lesson 1 and Lesson 2. This saves you money and the hassle of carrying cash or a check. You save $40. Cash and personal checks only.. We cannot accept credit cards.
Is prior dance experience helpful?
While prior experience is always a good thing, many of our members have never danced before. Now they are proficient, confident square dancers.
Suppose I can’t come on the first day?
You may come to one or both of the Free Fun Nights. After that, please contact Susan Seater at to inquire about joining the class in progress.
Last updated 02/02/2025