GPS SDC-Lesson 3 Great Plain Squares
Lesson 3
BackTrack Typical starting formation - single file promenade

Designated dancers flip away from center 180° and walk around the outside in the opposite direction while centers continue to single file promenade.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Dive Thru Typical starting formation - eight chain

The centers raise their joined hands and walk forward while the ends walk forward under the arch, and the new ends California twirl. Ends in a beginning double pass thru.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Right and Left Thru Typical starting formation - facing couples

Dancers right pull by and courtesy turn. Ends in facing couples.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Star Promenade Typical starting formation - 4-person star in the center and 4 people on the outside

Centers retain the star handhold and promenade with the designated dancers. Instead of joining hands with their partner, each dancer places an arm around their partner's waist.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares