GPS SDC-Lesson 4 Great Plain Squares
Lesson 4
Square Thru (1,2,3,4) / Left Square Thru (1,2,3,4) Typical starting formation - facing dancers

Square Thru (1,2,3,4) is defined here; for Left Square Thru (1,2,3,4) see the comments below.
In what follows, "Face partner" means to make a 90-degree turn in place to face one’s current partner.

Complete as many of these actions as appropriate:
· Right Pull By (Square Thru 1 has been completed)
· Face partner and Left Pull By (Square Thru 2 has been completed)
· Face partner and Right Pull By (Square Thru 3 has been completed)
· Face partner and Left Pull By (Square Thru 4 has been completed)
Comments: Left Square Thru (1,2,3,4) is similar to Square Thru (1,2,3,4) except that it is started with the left hand and hands are alternating thereafter; the word "Left" is required. E.g., Heads Lead Right, Circle To A Line, Left Square Thru 4, Left Allemande.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Grand Square Typical starting formation - squared set
Some dancers are designated to face their partners. This is a 32-beat call; the facing dancers do pattern 1 for the first 16 beats and then pattern 2 for the next 16 beats while the others do pattern 2 and then pattern 1.
Pattern 1
1. Back up 4 steps, turning 90° to face in on the last step.
2. Walk forward 4 steps, facing in on the last step.
3. Walk forward 4 steps, facing in on the last step.
4. Back up 4 steps.
Pattern 2
1. Walk forward 4 steps, facing in on the last step.
2. Back up 4 steps, facing in on the last step.
3. Back up 4 steps, facing in on the last step.
4. Walk forward 4 steps.
At the end of the call, all adjust to end in a squared set.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Lead Right / Lead Left Typical starting formation - facing couples

On Lead Right, each couple, working as a unit, turns 90° to the right, pivoting around the right-hand dancer. On Lead Left, each couples turns to the left, pivoting around the left-hand dancer. Ends in couples back to back.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Veer Left / Veer Right Typical starting formation - facing couples

Couples step forward and to the left or right as specified. From facing couples, ends in a two-faced line. From a two-faced line, ends in couples back to back.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Wheel Around / Reverse Wheel Around Typical starting formation - couple

Each couple works as a unit to turn 180° to the left to end on the same positions they started on. On Reverse Wheel Around couples turn 180° to the right.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares