GPS SDC-Lesson 7 Great Plain Squares
Lesson 7
Wheel and Deal Typical starting formation - two-faced line or one-faced line

Working as a unit, each couple walks forward turning 180° toward the center of the line. From a two-faced line, ends in facing couples. From a one-faced line, couples pass right shoulders to end with the original right-hand couple in front of the other couple.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Double Pass Thru Typical starting formation - beginning double pass thru

Dancers walk forward passing right shoulders with two dancers. Ends in a completed double pass thru.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
First Couple go Left/Right, Next Couple Go Left/Right Typical starting formation - completed double pass thru

Working as a unit, the first couple flips toward the given direction, while the next couple walks forward and flips toward the second direction. If directions were opposite, dancers adjust to end in facing lines. If directions were the same, ends in promenade.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Circle to a Line Typical starting formation - eight chain

Facing couples circle left 1/2. The new left-hand end drops hands with the adjacent center, and the ends slide left while the centers continue circling left, twirling the last dancer under to end in a one-faced line. Ends in facing lines.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares