GPS SDC-Lesson 8 Great Plain Squares
Lesson 8
Step to a Wave Typical starting formation - facing dancers

Dancers 1/2 pass thru; that is, they step forward and slightly to the left to take right hands. Ends in a right-hand mini-wave.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Dosado to a Wave Typical starting formation - facing dancers

In one smooth motion, Dosado and Step to a Wave.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Alamo Style A.K.A. Allemande Left in the Alamo Style
Typical starting formation - Same as Allemande Left

Dancers start an Allemande Left but continue the Arm Turn until the men are looking toward the center of the square and the women are looking out. Maintain the left handhold and join right hands with the adjacent dancer to form an Alamo Ring.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Balance Typical starting formation - alamo ring or wave

All dancers take a small step forward and bring their other foot forward to close. All dancers then take a step back and bring their other foot back to close.
N/A See Alamo Style
Ocean Wave Rule Calls from facing couples that begin with pass thru or pull by (for example, Right and Left Thru) can also be called from waves.

In this case, dancers step thru (completing the pass thru or pull by) and finish the call.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Facing Couples Rule Calls from waves that start with an arm turn (for example, Swing Thru) can also be called from facing couples. In this case, the dancers step to a right-hand wave (unless the call explicitly starts with left, in which case, they step to a left-hand wave) and do the call. Taminations N/A
Trade - From a Wave (Couples, Named Dancers, Right/Left-hand) A.K.A. Named Dancers Trade/Right/Left-hand Trade
Typical starting formation - wave or line

Designated dancers walk forward into the other designated dancer's original position, turning 180° to face the opposite direction. If designated dancers start facing the same direction, they pass right shoulders. If no dancers are designated, all partner trade. On Partner Trade, dancers trade with their partners.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares
Couples Trade Typical starting formation - two-faced line or one-faced line

Each couple works as a unit and trades with the other couple. If couples were facing opposite directions, centers maintain their handhold while they trade. Ends in a two-faced line or one-faced line.
Taminations N/A
Cross Run Typical starting formation - wave or line

Designated dancers run toward the center of the line to end in the position two away from where they started. Ends cross run into the far center position; centers cross run into the far end position. Non-designated dancers move without turning into the nearest vacated position, as on Run. Ends in a wave or line.
Taminations NorthShoreSquares